Muslims in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world offered last Friday of the holy month of Ramazan [Jumatul Wida] with religious fervour amid emotional prayers for Muslim Ummah and the success of its causes.
The faithful thronged mosques, imambargahs and other places and offered Juma prayers. In order to cater extra rush of faithful, special arrangements were made at these places.
The main Juma congregations were held at Jamia Ashrafia, Data Darbar Mosque, Bagh-e-Jinnah, Badshahi Mosque, Nila Gunmbad Mosque, Minhaj ul Quran etc. Security officials searched Nimazis in some mosques to ensure that no untoward situation took place on this important day.
Jumatul Wida, the last Friday of Ramazan has special importance for Muslims, who offer prayers on this day and seek mercy of Allah Almighty.
Religious scholars and leaders, in Friday sermons, called for joint struggle for the emancipation of the Muslim world from the clutches of colonial powers. Many emphasised the need to maintain sectarian harmony and asked people to beware of the anti-state elements, who wanted to create hatred among Muslims.
They also highlighted the significance of Jumatul Wida and Ramazan urging the followers to make a solemn pledge to follow the teachings of Islam in letter and spirit.
Special prayers were also offered on the occasion particularly for ending of miseries facing the Muslims across the world including in quake hit areas of Pakistan. Prayers were also offered for early recovery of those injured in recent devastating earthquake.
Prayers were also offered for the freedom and independence of Kashmir, Palestine and other parts of the world where Muslims are engaged in struggle for their rights to self-determination.
Moreover, rallies and protest demonstrations across the country marked the Al-Quds Day' on Friday. Religious and politico-religious parties and organisations in all major cities took out rallies before and after the Friday prayers to show their sympathies with the cause of Palestinians.
Addressing a Friday congregation, JUI leader Maulana Amjad Khan said that the Muslims had everlasting message of peace for humanity and a true Muslim could not be a terrorist. He said though branded as terrorists, Muslims themselves were the victims of the state terrorism in the world.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2005


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